12 Dumbest Movie Plot Twists Of 2016

11. "Save Martha!" - Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice

Martha Batman V Superman
Warner Bros. Pictures

Batman V Superman continues to divide opinion, with many hating it for its bleak, humourless tone and others loving it for that very reason. While the Ultimate Edition was better received critically – helping to flesh out the story and character motives – one scene continues to cause mass facepalming the world over.

Look, it’s not that people who mock this scene don’t understand it. Batman is ready to slay Superman, only for the alien to unexpectedly reach his humanity by stating his mother’s name; which also happens to be the name of Bruce’s late mother. The problem is the execution, where it’s played like a shocking twist that they both have mothers with the same first name.

It’s awkward and cheesy, but maybe it could have worked if handled with more subtlety. Instead, it caused mass groans in theatres, even from those who liked it.

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Handsome. Charismatic. Intelligent. Noble. Witty. I'm none of these things, but I'm a half decent writer, I guess.