12 Eye-Opening Documentaries On UK Netflix Right Now
5. McCullin (2012)
Now retired, war photographer Don McCullin spent much of his time putting his life in danger in pursuit of the perfect picture. One that would show human beings at the moment of no return, in utterly inhumane situations.
From the streets of homeless Britain, to Vietnam to the famine in Biafra, McCullin explains that sometimes it was more appropriate to not take the picture, something he only now admits. Only somebody with such experience in horror, could talk with such poise and wisdom and when on screen, it’s impossible to not to watch him and listen intently. What he says has real relevance to the human condition.
Photographers and historians will find such value here and fans of McCullin himself will not want to miss this as a wealth of his work is presented with such sensitivity that it rivals and surpasses the pictures by themselves. For historians, we find first hand accounts of some of the most vital moments in our recent history.