12 Fantastic Films You Only Remember For One Scene

2. Ring - Sadako

If ever you're home alone and find that the TV has suddenly switched itself on, you should probably look away. If ever you're home alone and find that the TV has suddenly switched itself on and the phone starts ringing, you should probably scream and run as fast as you can. And especially if you've recently watched that cursed videotape that everyone keeps banging on about... What you shouldn't do, in other words, is follow the steps of poor Ryƫji (Hiroyuki Sanada). When a grainy black and white image of a well flashes onto his screen, he lets curiosity get the better of him. Crouched before the TV, he watches as a pale, long-haired figure emerges from the well and shuffles ever closer towards him. Now he starts to panic, falling over his furniture as the ghost of Sadako (for it is she) crawls out of his TV and into his living room.

Yorkshireman (hence the surname). Often spotted sacrificing sleep and sanity for the annual Leeds International Film Festival. For a sample of (fairly) recent film reviews, please visit whatsnottoblog.wordpress.com.