12 Giant Plot-Holes You Didn’t Notice In 2015’s Biggest Movies

4. The Mini-Gun Still Works - Furious 7

Again, picking away at a Fast And Furious movie is probably an easy target, but when it takes you out of a movie that so consciously asks you to turn your brain off anyway it's a problem. It might give Hobbs a pretty epic hero moment (because who wouldn't be entirely aroused by the sight of The Rock wielding a mini-gun and shooting down a helicopter with stunning precision?), but there's a big problem with that sequence. Hobbs only comes into possession of the gun because the drone carrying it crashes and is smushed. But somehow the gun - which must be made of something incredibly strong - emerges unscathed, and has been fitted (for some reason) with a quick-release button to allow enemies to scavenge downed units. Idiots.

WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.