12 Great Recent Movie Performances Destined To Be Forgotten

10. Logan Marshall-Green - Upgrade

Goon Seann William Scott
BH Tilt

Leigh Whannell stock may be at its highest after the release of his excellent The Invisible Man back in February, but it was this low-profile sci-fi that illustrated his immense talents. It was a pro concept that put out a fresh twist on A.I and the growing autonomy of everyday life, but it's the performance from Logan Marshall-Green that accentuates every bit of it and makes the movie the gem that it is.

While he may be Tom Hardy's long-lost twin/clone, his work here firmly establishes how deserving he is of recognition. The movie has a variety of tones throughout, and Marshall-Green ensures he's never out-of-place. All of the robotic elements to his movement pattern, the way he really sells not having control of his body during tense fight sequences is so entertaining and distinct that you likely haven't seen anything like it.

Upgrade was something of a quiet release for producer Blumhouse Productions, so it's understandable why few knew of the film's qualities. Its success was modest and thankfully enough to earn Whannell Invisible Man, but it's a shame that so few are able to give this movie credit, particularly when Logan Marshall-Green deserves a whole lot more work than what he gets currently (as Upgrade illustrates).


Gamer, movie lover, life-long supporter of Andrew Garfield's Spider-Man and Ben Affleck's Batman, you know the rest.