12 Great Recent Movie Performances Destined To Be Forgotten

5. Robert Pattinson - The Lighthouse

Goon Seann William Scott

It's unknown how many people saw The Lighthouse, but whatever the number is, it's far too low. Robert Eggers' follow-up to his critically-revered debut The Witch was a mind-melting gauntlet of a watch where two actors compete with one another to give the best performance. For those who've watched it, they'd likely give it to Willem Dafoe as his performance is borderline iconic, if not legendary (the man delivered a monologue while getting dirt shoved in his mouth!). However, it is essential that nobody forgets Robert Pattinson's part, who goes toe-to-toe with Dafoe every step of the way.

Pattinson, much like Dafoe, heaves himself into this role and embraces every aspect of it, doing so without any semblance of vanity preservation. He's crazy one moment, then the only sane person present in the other. He's hilarious at times, but then threatening the next. Pattinson is constantly firing on all cylinders and it's the key to making this film so engrossing.

The Lighthouse was a rare case for Pattinson's indie career where he's not the sole commanding performance in the film, which is why he seems so overshadowed here. That said, don't let yourself forget just what an acting masterclass he put on here, especially if you're still doubtful of whether he's worthy of the Batman role.


Gamer, movie lover, life-long supporter of Andrew Garfield's Spider-Man and Ben Affleck's Batman, you know the rest.