12 Great Recent Movie Performances Destined To Be Forgotten

4. Alessandro Nivola - The Art Of Self-Defense

Goon Seann William Scott
Bleecker Street

If you haven't heard of The Art Of Self-Defense, picture a darker, hilariously-surreal Wes Anderson movie and you've got the gist. It's a film that's unlike anything you've seen before, and much of that is thanks to the perfectly-selected cast. While Jesse Eisenberg's a seamless fit into this reality, it's his far-lesser known scene partner Alessandro Nivola who will blow you away.

Playing Eisenberg's karate teacher, Nivola catches you off guard and will have you cracking up throughout. Imagine someone with the intensity Rex Kwon Do from Napoleon Dynamite, but multiply it by 10 and make him never raise his voice. He maintains complete control of every scene and manages to excel with the film's bone-dry comedic style and the surprisingly-grim components in later acts.

The Art Of Self-Defense flew entirely under the wire with most people early last year, but beyond just the unique nature of the film itself, it was Nivola and his breakout-worthy performance that deserves much more attention and future roles.


Gamer, movie lover, life-long supporter of Andrew Garfield's Spider-Man and Ben Affleck's Batman, you know the rest.