12 Horror Movies So Bad Actors Completely Disowned Them

8. Paul Rudd - Halloween The Curse Of Michael Myers

Jennifer Aniston Leprechaun
Buena Vista Pictures

Outside of being the final film appearance of series star/ acting legend Donald Pleasance, there’s not many positives about Halloween the Curse of Michael Myers.

The sixth entry into Dark Star helmer John Carpenter’s long-running franchise, the 1995 film’s original script was intended to deepen the lore of the series according to producer Moustapha Akkad, only for the completed film to be torn to shreds in the editing suite when test audiences hated the subtle, ambiguous story.

For the film’s star/ future Marvel hero Paul Rudd, it’s a particularly regrettable misstep, as the thespian admitted he not only is embarrassed by the film but wishes the original script could have made it to cinema screens.

Well Paul, we wish we’d seen Edgar Wright’s Ant Man.


Cathal Gunning hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.