12 Huge Movie Mysteries That Are Still Unsolved

2. Where Is Yoda From? - Star Wars

Yoda Star Wars

Like Supreme Leader Snoke, Yoda is consciously shrouded in mystery. His official biography makes mention only of him coming from a distant, unnamed planet and there's no definitive answer to his species.

It's all sort of the point as it bestows upon him a sage status that positions him as a sort of galactic overseer (after all, we know he's seen the rise and fall of both the Republic and the Empire) without removing any of the mysterious air around him. He's ethereal and removed from things to the point that he transcends all other authority. So knowing where he came from is almost redundant, really.

It was all a conscious decision too - his origin was one of only two secrets that writers had to agree to keep locked away by the decree of George Lucas (along with how Leia, Luke and Han died, but that ship has sailed now, obviously). It seems even Lucas knows the value of not always telling.

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