10 Incredible Movies With TERRIBLE Villains
3. Ajax - Deadpool
Tim Miller's Deadpool was an absolute marvel, not just for the character or Ryan Reynolds' career, but for proving R-rated superhero movies could crush the box office. Initially perceived as a huge risk, the ultra-violent meta-comedy stood out amongst other comic book features, due to its hysterical writing, invigorating fight choreography, and innovative fourth-wall breaking.
Sadly, Deadpool does falter when it comes to its big bad, Ajax (Ed Skrein). Our Canadian hero, Wade Wilson, encounters Ajax when the maniacal scientist promises to give him superpowers to cure his cancer. In reality, Ajax intends to turn Wade into a super-slave before selling him to the highest bidder.
And that's pretty much it. Ajax devised his diabolical scheme to make money. It's no deeper than that. Considering the Marvel Comics are filled with epic supervillains who want to take over the world or turn into a god, Ajax is small potatoes by comparison.
Even though Ajax is a C-list villain, that doesn't mean he can't be entertaining, especially since the character has a larger-than-life persona in the comics. But rather than emulating the source material, Skrein plays Ajax like an emotionless automaton. As such, it appears as if his superpower is putting people to sleep with his voice.
It's understandable why Ajax serves as 'Pool's first main villain, since he's tied directly to Marvel Jesus' origin story. But with his bland motivation, dire dialogue, and vague backstory, the only memorable thing Ajax does... is die.