10 Incredible Movies With TERRIBLE Villains
2. Screenslaver - Incredibles 2
It may have taken an agonising 14 years, but The Incredibles finally got a sequel in 2018. Not only was Incredibles 2 a tremendous follow-up to Brad Bird's family superhero flick, it surpassed the original in certain aspects.
The visuals were dramatically better, especially with hair textures and facial expressions. Rather than focusing on Mr. Incredible, each family member spends time in the spotlight (including Jack-Jack). There's also a bigger push on the mundanity of Mr. Incredible's life, making him more relatable than before.
For these reasons, Incredibles 2 had the potential to be greater than the first instalment if it wasn't for the antagonist, the Screenslaver. Elastigirl learns of the mind-controlling villain after being hired by a superhero-loving entrepreneur, Winston Deavour, and his sister, Evelyn.
On her mission, Elastigirl discovers Evelyn and Screenslaver are one and the same. The sly supervillainess explains how the costumed heroes failed to save her parents when she was a child, causing her to develop a deep-rooted hatred towards their kind. Evelyn explains to Elastigirl how she intends to use her brainwashing tech to force Supers to perform crimes, destroying their reputation.
Annoyingly, this "big reveal" is incredibly predictable (especially since Evelyn Deavour's name is a play on "evil endeavour"). Also, the whole "bad guy pretends to hire the good guy to fight a fake bad guy" was already done in the first movie.
Worst of all, Screenslaver's plan is pointless, since it's already been established that vigilantism is illegal and society mistrusts superheroes. Furthermore, it's clear from the first scene that the authorities hate The Incredibles, especially after they caused millions of dollars of property damage to the city.
Ironically, Screenslaver would've defeated the heroes if she did nothing.