12 Major Implications Of Spider-Man Joining Marvel's Phase 3

11. Post-Credits Cameos?

Some are suggesting that Spider-Man might make his bow as early as the Ant-Man post-credits scene, because simply dropping the character into the MCU in Captain America - without his own stand-alone tied to the universe - would be too jarring. That would be somewhat difficult to manage, especially considering the fact that Ant-Man is not a New York resident, BUT if there's an agenda to make Ant-Man one of the new Avengers going towards Infinity Wars, then there has to be something that draws him to New York. And the best way to catch a bug is usually with a spider. Though it's closer, there could now also be a possibility of Spidey appearing in a post-credits tease at the end of The Avengers: Age Of Ultron. There's time enough to film something, certainly, and it doesn't really need to be anything more than a fan-baiting mini sequence after the fade to black as a statement of intent. Even the threat of it happening is likely to keep Avengers audiences in their seats as the credits roll longer than anything else Marvel might be planning as a tease to Phase 3 (unless it's genuinely going to be Doctor Strange, which might put a spanner in the works).

WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.