12 Major Implications Of Spider-Man Joining Marvel's Phase 3

10. Whichever Film He's In Will Be 4 Hours Long...

The big issue for most of the cynics who will currently be shaking their held in bewilderment at the news of Spidey's impending MCU appearance will be that adding him to the pot without gestation will be a disservice to the character and to fans. Now, it's all well and good assuming that the audience will be familiar enough with the character to just accept his sudden appearance without an 125 minute stand-alone film - and indeed there have now been two origin stories - but there does still have to be some establishment work. You can't imagine that Marvel will simply trot out Spider-Man as Tony Stark's secret weapon in the pro-registration stakes, and have that unmasking as the first appearance he makes - as much as that would be an incredible idea for suspense. If Marvel are paying what they're paying (and let's just all assume it'd be enough to make normal people cry), they're going to want to actually use their new toy a bit, and that runs the risk of hyper-extending Captain America: Civil War to the four hour mark. Or worse, they might just split it in two...

WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.