12 Massive Changes In Comic Book Movies From The Source Material

4. Bane Not Having Strength-Enhancing Venom

Bane Bane had some similarities to his comic book counterpart in the sense that he was an astute tactician, a strong physical combatant and he wore a mask, but there was a very major difference as well. In the comics, he is imbued with a drug known as Venom which enhances his physical strength to superhuman levels (we're not talking Hulk-level by any stretch of the imagination, but enough to easily out-muscle Batman) and it gives him enhanced healing abilities. In The Dark Knight Rises, Bane was on a drug of sorts, but it was pumped constantly in to his mouth via the apparatus on his mask and it was simply an anaesthetic which was in place to ease the pain of a facial injury and, subsequently, made him feel very little pain when it came to trading blows with Bruce Wayne.
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I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.