12 MCU Mistakes Thor: Ragnarok Must Avoid

3. Making The Avengers' Absence Distracting

Avengers Infinity War

Every time a new solo MCU movie comes out, someone will ask where the hell the rest of the Avengers were while all this world-threatening mayhem was kicking off.

It's a reasonable question, if one that rarely has a satisfying in-universe answer, because it of course comes down to nothing more than money and scheduling. Plus, would you really want Tony Stark in every single Marvel movie? His charm would wear thin eventually.

This is an incredibly tough problem to combat, and as much as fans love to bring it up, Marvel Studios will probably just continue to largely ignore it.

Will It Be Avoided?: Ragnarok has a fantastic get-out clause here, because most if not all of the movie will be set off-Earth on Asgard and the planet Sakaar, so there'd be no conceivable reason for any of the Avengers to even know where Thor and The Hulk are.

At least until the Guardians of the Galaxy join The Avengers in Infinity War, there's a wall between the Earth-set MCU and the shenanigans in space, so that's one less thing to worry about in Ragnarok.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.