12 MCU Mistakes Thor: Ragnarok Must Avoid

2. "Because...Magic"

Thor Ragnarok Lightning
Marvel Studios

Yes, superhero movies require audiences to more often than not just accept a heap of slippery logic and the fact that things happen...just because.

Still, this doesn't usually make for the most rewarding viewing, especially when some sort of magical ability or trinket is introduced to get the hero out of a bind (the Eye of Agamotto for one), or perhaps even return them from death. Moreover, remember the laughable excuse for Thor getting back to Earth in The Avengers (Odin's vague "dark energy" out of nowhere)?

More than anything, these moments feel like lazy writing, but because the MCU has no clearly-defined, unbendable rules, the movies just about manage to get away with making things up as they go along.

Will It Be Avoided?: It's pretty daft to expect no magical nonsense in a Thor movie, especially as it seems quite probable that either Thor or The Hulk is going to die at some point in the film, visit Hel and then be brought back to life.

Still, if Waititi manages to train the film's focus more on the buddy dynamic than silly magical objects and power levels, then the possible resurrection shenanigans might not seem quite so sloppy. Honestly, this one could go either way.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.