12 Military Characters Who Put You Off The Army

9. Lieutenant Gorman - Aliens

So? So What? - Lieutenant Gorman
It's not just Gorman. Everything about the film Aliens puts you off from signing up with Uncle Sam. After getting your head shaved and your nuts drilled in boot camp you then get frozen in ch sleep for a few months to be woken up just in time to get your butt handed to you by some freak alien force. A thousand years from now when this becomes a reality Aliens will be so bad for morale and recruitment that the military will incinerate every copy. Which brings us back to Gorman. He is the prime example of how no amount of education and simulations can equal true experience. After making some extremely poor strategic decisions he gets most of his team killed in a one-way fight against the Xenomorphs. It is clear from the very first moment we see him that as far as being an officer goes he has no idea what he is doing and that Private Hudson (Bill Paxton's hilariously awesome supporting character) probably could run the outfit better. He embodies the unfortunate officer stereotype: the academy graduate who collapses under pressure. Just F.Y.I. to anyone who wants join the military or go to West Point. What happened in Aliens with Gorman is a thing of the past. The army doesn't send half a platoon halfway across the galaxy to fight an unknown enemy with an officer who hasn't received his baptism by fire yet so to speak. Actually, the military doesn't send people halfway across the galaxy at all.

aka The Thompsonator. Action movie & shooter game fanatic. Biggest weakness? Taking things over the top... The internet is the disease. Meet the cure. Find more action on my Youtube channel: www.youtube.com/ActionRation