12 Military Characters Who Put You Off The Army

8. A.J. Maggot - The Dirty Dozen

It's judgment day, sinners! Come out, come out wherever you are! - Archer J. Maggot
Talk about a dude from the wrong side of the tracks, Maggot would be the worst guy to have your platoon period. A.J. Maggot is a sexist religious fanatic who's delusional and sadistic. In the film The Dirty Dozen he has a real problem with women whom he believes to all be impure beings that must pay a righteous toll for their sins. He nearly blows the entire operation at the end of the film when instead of following orders he kidnaps a girl at knifepoint and orders her to scream. In the end his own men put him down after he starts hysterically shooting a machine gun and alerts the Germans to their presence. Is Maggot an extreme case of a military man gone wrong? Yes, there is enough wrong with him so that he could be labeled a serial killer of women. Was he going to be punished by the army for his actions. Yes, they were going to hang him. However, the awful truth is that if you talk to enough enlisted men about boot camp they will tell you there are people who match his description, bragging about women that they've violated or giving some sob story how they joined the army to leave the drug dealer lifestyle. All equally despicable soldiers that don't make it very far in the military, but still somehow manage to get the uniform. They're out there and they're unfortunately a strong deterrent for others to enlist.

aka The Thompsonator. Action movie & shooter game fanatic. Biggest weakness? Taking things over the top... The internet is the disease. Meet the cure. Find more action on my Youtube channel: www.youtube.com/ActionRation