12 Most F*cked Up Movie Marketing Campaigns

3. Chronicle Makes People Fly Over NYC

In early 2012 New Yorkers were witness to a spectacle straight out of a superhero movie when several humans were spotted flying over the city. But they weren€™t experiencing collective madness and it was in fact kind of superhero related: the clever campaign to promote Josh Trank€™s fantasy flick Chronicle in which a group of teens inherit extraordinary powers including the ability to fly. Another Thinkmodo brainchild, the flying €˜people€™ were actually remote-controlled airplanes pimped up to look like humans and though it€™s impossible to say how many New Yorkers were duped by the campaign, videos of the stunt were shared online and Chronicle became the highest grossing film of its opening weekend. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dcDN409ZBv4

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