12 Most Radical Body Transformations For Comic Book Movies

2. Christian Bale - Batman Begins

Christian Bale Batman Begins.jpg
Warner Bros.

Weight Gain: 99 pounds

It's almost a cliche now to talk about Christian Bale losing and gaining weight for roles: he's very much in the school of method that says he'll punish his body as much as possible if it fits the character (see also: Jared Leto).

He's gone from horribly gaunt looks in The Machinist, Rescue Dawn and The Fighter to a cut underwear model look in American Psycho and a more heavyweight muscular look for the Batman movies. He's basically a yoyo.

Having made the Machinist as a skeletal near-ghost, Bale was cast for Batman Begins and went about bulking in ridiculously impressive fashion. He packed on an incredible near-100 pound mass in just a matter of months (which must have been both fun and horrific at once) and was then forced to cut 30 pounds when he overshot. Inevitably, because he's Bale, that wasn't an issue.

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