12 Most Underrated 1980s Sci-Fi Movies

3. Battle Beyond The Stars

Brainstorm Christopher Walken
New World Pictures

This 1980 low budget flick may blatantly rip off half of the plot of Star Wars, but thanks to a pitch perfect performance by Robert Vaughn and the insertion of Country Western traits among the aliens, the film is definitely worth a look. The plot follows the efforts of the quiet farming folk of the planet of Akir, who decide to hire some mercenaries to defend their people from the evil Sador and his 'Death Star', I mean 'Stellar Convertor'.

The prospect of Star Wars meets The Magnificent Seven is effortlessly brought to life by Vaughn, who is so laid back in his interpretation of 'Gelt' that he makes Han Solo look lame in comparison. His character is identical to Lee, whom he played in The Magnificent Seven, and his knockabout unflustered persona makes the film an absolute treat whenever he's on screen. Heck, the guy is so cool he even plays a harmonica as he waits for his inevitable death!

Despite the meagre budget, the film's visual effects are quite impressive, delivered by a young up and comer by the name of James Cameron. The gritty Western feel also makes it feel distinctive enough from the big budget Star Wars franchise, with each wound and bloodied body on display giving a sense of grounded reality. Like a true Western, it takes the loss of many a good folk to claim the ultimate victory, though the legend of those who died lives on forever.

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While he likes to know himself as the 'thunder from down under', Luke is actually just a big dork who loves all things sport, film, James Bond, Doctor Who and Karaoke. With all the suave and sophistication of any Aussie half way through a slab, Luke will critique every minute detail of films and shows from all eras- unless it's 1990's Simpsons episodes, because they're just perfect