12 Most Underrated 2000s Sci-Fi Movies
3. Slither

Before Guardians of the Galaxy helmer James Gunn was
being tapped to direct every superhero flick imaginable, the former Troma
studios bad boy was handed a sizeable budget to make an original flick which
would end up stalling his career for the best part of a decade—and be worth the
Wearing its eighties sci-fi influences on its peeling, grotesque sleeve, 2006’s Slither saw a small town taken over by parasitic aliens in a gory bit of body horror which borrowed liberally from the likes of Chuck Russell’s The Blob, David Cronenberg’s The Fly, Brian Yuzna’s Re-Animator, Dan O’Bannon’s Return of the Living—it actually might be easier to list the sci-fi horror comedies the flick didn’t reference.
A treat for fans of gory horror comedy, this sci-fi spectacle may have flopped upon release but it’s long overdue a revisit.