12 Most Underrated 2000s Sci-Fi Movies

2. Pandorum

The 6th Day

Ambitious to a fault, the initially claustrophobic and eventually nightmarishly Lovecraftian 2009 sci-fi horror Pandorum sees a pair of survivors on a ship bound for a new earth plagued by the titular space madness, wondering how much of their growing paranoia is justified.

Ben Foster and Dennis Quaid put in some solid work as our pair of troubled heroes, but this is no Lighthouse-style two-hander. No, the film soon begins bouncing between two different sci fi horror subgenres, moving from the “unseen threat aboard an abandoned ship” scares of Alien and Life toward the more cerebral and disturbing (but no less gory) “space turns humans into the real monsters” genre of Event Horizon.

To say more would give the game away, but suffice to say this flick is worth seeking out despite its lacklustre box office performance, and a classic example of underrated sci-fi flying under the radar.


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