12 Most Underrated 2000s Sci-Fi Movies

7. Dreamcatcher

The 6th Day
Warner Bros.

From the twisted and absurdly prolific pen of horror scribe Stephen King, for a while this wintry thriller seems to be a small scale mystery modelled after 1998’s A Simple Plan as a group of childhood friends including Homeland’s Damien Lewis and My Name Is Earl’s Jason Lee reunite in a woodland cabin to reminisce about their childhood.

Then the ass weasels appear.

And the military arrive, led by Morgan Freeman in rare villain mode.

So follows an intense, occasionally surreal sci-fi horror which bounces between gory orifice invasion and more cerebral, but no less chilling, thrills. This one does admittedly fall apart near the end, and good luck making sense of the whole plot, but it’s worth the ride for some standout sequences and impressive visuals as well as great cast chemistry.


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