12 Most Underrated 2000s Sci-Fi Movies
6. District 13
Executive produced by The Fifth Element/ Lucy
mastermind Luc Besson, this Parisian thriller is set in the near future and
follows a convict and undercover cop who form an unlikely alliance in order to
save the former’s sister from a condemned district whilst also collecting a
nuclear bomb from its denizens—and if that plot sounds familiar, it might be
because it’s lifted wholesale from John Carpenter’s 1981 classic Escape from
New York, along with a handful of other genre classics.
So why recommend such a blatant rip-off? Well, mainly because this kinetic thriller features the most impressive cinematic showcase of parkour, the urban exploration sport pioneered by its star David Belle, to date, and its simplistic story is more than made up for by its jaw-dropping chase sequences and stuntwork.