12 Movie Idiots Who Basically Created Their Own Villains

10. Sebastian Shaw (And Professor X) Made Magneto - X-Men First Class

XMen First Class Kevin Bacon

Even if you're a Nazi officer working in a concentration camp, you should probably set yourself some boundaries to make sure your villainy doesn't rise to worryingly super levels, regardless of how confident you are that your side is probably going to win the war. In his guise as Dr Klaus Schmidt, Sebastian Shaw apparently didn't get that memo as when he called for young Erik Lensherr to be brought to his lab for experimentation, and provoked him not only into using his powers, but also into fostering a decades long hatred of him that would end up costing his life.

Ultimately, Shaw's torment of Erik is in no way useful: he is clearly never able to get Magneto to use his powers on behalf of the Nazi party, and he's not successfully indoctrinated as part of the Hellfire Club in the future - so presumably he just discovered his powers and then completely forgot he ever existed in the first place. He's the archetypal kid with a magnifying glass burning ants, and there's no value at all in creating his own enemy.

But then, at least he didn't give Magneto the tools to focus and amplify his power as Professor X did; effectively turning a rogue wildcard into the world's most powerful mutant bad guy in the process.


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