12 Movie Moments Everyone Was Waiting For (That Never Happened)
9. For The Mysteries Surrounding Peter's Parents To Be Explained - The Amazing Spider-Man
If you focus the trailer for your Spider-Man movie around the idea that his parents have some weird, strange "unexplained" backstory, and there's a slight chance that you'll be expecting some light to be shed on that when you actually sit down to watch the film. But whereas the marketing material for The Amazing Spider-Man kept referring to a plot line about Peter's parents, the movie itself played it awesomely vague from start to finish. That's to say, The Amazing Spider-Man explains that Richard and Mary Parker, both scientists, dropped Peter off with Aunt May and Uncle Ben when he was just a nipper, before going off to do "something" and then being killed in a plane crash. No more explanation is given in a movie that was literally advertised on the notion that this was the storyline the reboot would use to differentiate itself from Sam Raimi's trilogy. So we all waited for the revelation, and then it turned out that "they just went to do something, Peter" was all we were getting. Boo!