12 Movie Moments That Pissed Off Fans The Most In 2016

11. Grandpa's Number Three - Dirty Grandpa

Incubus Suicide Squad

Dirty Grandpa bets its comic reputation on the idea that a foul-mouthed, randy Robert De Niro is the funniest thing in the whole world. While it’s fun to see the screen icon gamely commit to the movie’s foulness, it’s a damn shame there’s nary a decent gag to be found.

It’s nothing new seeing the legendary actor degrade himself for a nice payday - hi there, Grudge Match - but there’s something sad about it here. The nadir is the moment Zac Efron walks in on him masturbating to some porn; or a “number 3”, as he dubs it.

This was a moment so soul shattering they used it for the poster, just to underline how far Bob has fallen in recent years. It sent his long time fans reaching for a box of tissues, but for entirely different reasons.


Handsome. Charismatic. Intelligent. Noble. Witty. I'm none of these things, but I'm a half decent writer, I guess.