12 Movie Predictions For 2014

7. The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Breaks Box Office Records, Is A Critical Flop

Here's one film that doesn't need to worry about promotion: it's already all over the Internet and the Super Bowl trailer has just been posted online, despite it not hitting cinemas for 3 months. Spider-Man movies have always done extremely well at the box office, and it wouldn't be all that surprising to see box office receipts rise from the original film's stellar $752 million to something closer to, if not exceeding, Spider-Man 3's astounding $890 million. Though I suspect, like many others, that the film's mish-mash of villains is going to make for another overly busy Spider-Man movie, much like the third one, it makes for an extremely enticing trailer, particularly to casual audiences who may not care all that much about Spidey 3's perceived issues. Audiences accepted Andrew Garfield, and that's the important thing: now they can move away from the recycled origin story nonsense and press on with something fresh. That said, I suspect critics will take it to task for being too stuffed and bloated, but it'll be a smash hit even if it only scores 20% on Rotten Tomatoes, that's for sure.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.