6. X-Men: Days Of Future Past Is A Disappointment But Still Pretty Good
Up until this week, I was totally on the hype train for Bryan Singer's X-Men: Days of Future Past. The fact that Singer is adapting one of the most beloved X-Men comic book arcs, combined with the thrilling footage we've seen so far, had me hopeful that the film would erase X-Men: The Last Stand from my memory. Though I still expect it to be good, my enthusiasm was dampened by all those character pictures featured in Empire magazine this week. Sure, some of them look totally awesome, but these images made me realise just how much trouble Singer is going to have to cram all these characters in and tell a coherent story. Then there's the sheer ridiculousness of how silly characters like Toad and Quicksilver look. While they will no doubt look a little different in the final film (remember how much everyone complained about those pre-release pictures of everyone in First Class?), it severely cut my excitement down to size, even if I still expect it to score 60-70% on Rotten Tomatoes (rather than the 85-90% I had otherwise hoped for). As we all know from experience, tempering your expectations is never a bad thing. Then, if Singer pulls off a masterpiece, we'll be all the happier.
Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes).
General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.