12 Movie Scenes You Didn’t Know Were Reshoots

9. Darth Vader's Cameo - Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

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Rogue One: A Star Wars Story was the first movie in the Star Wars franchise not to focus directly on that of the Skywalker family - something that the franchise's other seven movies had done up to this point. It was the job of this film to fill in the blanks between the main franchise movies, in order to keep fans hungry for their Star Wars fix.

Much like Suicide Squad, by the time Rogue One hit cinemas, a lot of the footage used in the trailer to promote the film wasn't even in the finished movie. Much had changed, including a one on one showdown between the film's main protagonist, Jyn Erso, and Darth Vader. It seems that even though we didn't get this scene featuring Vader, we did get some more of him later in the film than we were originally meant to be treated to.

The film's climax comes in a dramatic fan service moment where we see Vader take down an army of rebels in a small hallway, before we are then shown an almost perfect CGI young Princess Leia, leading us directly into the original Star Wars movie from 1977.

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Alright? Film student and freelance photographer living on Earth. Read my stuff and follow me on Twitter (@timxsaxby) for my off-key remarks and crazy insights. Fan of Doctor Who, Back To The Future and a lot of British sitcoms.