12 Movie Spoilers We Didn’t Know Last Week (24th Jan)

8. Star Wars: The Force Awakens Was Too Successful

Remember when Kathleen Kennedy said there might be a possibility of Star Wars: Underworld - the exciting Game Of Thrones style Star Wars TV show - might still be possible? Yeah, maybe cool your jets on that one. TV Line apparently reached out to LucasFilm to check the pulse on the project, but discovered it's been put out to pasture following the success of The Force Awakens. They're doubling down on their live action movie series, with the only focus on TV being animation for now. Plus, JJ Abrams is tied into a deal with Warner Bros for TV, so his Bad Robot production company could be nowhere near it, which complicates matters if he's continuing in a overlord/consultant role over the rest of the franchise.

WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.