12 Movie Spoilers We Didn’t Know Last Week (6th Feb)

1. Maybe Expect Hulk To Talk In Thor Ragnarok

As one of Marvel movies' most pertinent questions, the idea of Hulk going from grunting monster to articulate hero was always going to come up at some point. Apparently, the answer might come with Thor Ragnarok, according to director Taika Waititi, who spoke to HitFix about the character's development in the sequel:
€œIt€™s interesting, because at the moment, there€™s a big conversation that€™s happening about how far to push that. Whether or not The Hulk should be € I think a lot of those conversations have more to do with what€™s going to come up in future movies. So I think a lot of those decisions are larger group decisions, rather than anything to do with just me or the writer. They have a lot of stuff that they have to consider. But I do think that€™s the best way to track it. I think we all want that. I think we all want to see that development and the evolution of that character. I also think you can do it in a fun way.€
Mark Ruffalo has said that the distinction between Hulk and Banner is blurring, as the two sides of his persona meld together, so maybe it's not too much of a leap to make. Obviously if they don't cast Lou Ferrigno to voice the Big Guy, there should be a global riot. What else did you see in movie news this week? Share your favourite stories below in the comments thread below.

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