12 Movies Everyone KNEW Were Lying

2. Spectre

Star Trek Into Darkness Khan Benedict Cumberbatch
Columbia Pictures/MGM

Casual or hardcore fans of the James Bond films know who Blofeld is; be it by name or appearance, the bald head, creamy shirt and cat-stroking is immediately recognizable in cinematic pop culture. To have a film come out called Spectre, one has to assume Blofeld would make an appearance at some point.

Christoph Waltz' casting as the lead villain was an exciting addition to Daniel Craig-era Bond baddies, but when the casting sheet read his character's name as Franz Oberhauser, fans had to crane their necks in confusion and wonder who would be playing Blofeld.

For less than a second obviously. Once trailers were released showing Christoph wearing attire very similar to the Donald Pleasence version of the character, it was obvious some form of trickery was at play. Like wrapping up a fully assembled drum-kit for Christmas, this movie wasn't fooling anyone.

What's funny is that Christoph Waltz in interviews never let on that he was playing Blofeld. Non-Disclosure Agreements aside, it was so blatantly obvious it bordered on embarrassing.

If the film really wanted to throw audiences off balance; it should have made Andrew Scott's character Blofeld. Not that it would make sense, but it would certainly warrant astonishment.


I overthink a lot of things. Will talk about pretty much anything for a great length of time. I'm obsessed with General Slocum from the 2002 Spider-Man film. I have questions that were never answered in that entire trilogy!