12 Movies Everyone KNEW Were Lying
11. Mission Impossible: Fallout
There are several key ingredients that make up a standard Mission Impossible film: double-crosses, masks, gadgets and real stunts. And in the latest iteration in the franchise, the single mistake the movie made was telling us failing to hide the double-cross in the actual trailer.
The trailers put audiences in their seats; but it also presented a twist that would have been amazing had it not been spoiled by the marketing material. At the beginning of the film, August acts as Ethan's new go-to partner; their first mission together is a bonding experience where they both get the ever loving daylights beaten out of them in a men's bathroom.
Then at the halfway mark, it's revealed that August is the mysterious John Lark the IMF has been in search of. Cue the scenes from the trailer where Ethan is being chased and shot at by John/August in a separate helicopter and the inevitable fight on a cliff-side.
The twist would have been really fun had the movie trailers not already shown the scenes of Tom Cruise and Henry Cavill at odds with one another. And, fans would have appreciated the twist more since before the reveal, August Walker wasn't anything but helpful.