12 Movies Everyone KNEW Were Lying

6. Star Wars Episode IX: The Force Awakens

Star Trek Into Darkness Khan Benedict Cumberbatch

When he's not crashing planes into LA golf courses, Harrison Ford spends most of his days grunting his answers to fan questions about Star Wars, and when the new Star Wars films were announced by Disney it was something of a surprise to hear Han Solo was coming back alongside the other original trio.

Of course, before the film's release, Ford openly stated how much money Disney had to throw at him to get him back in the Millennium Falcon, and while you could argue the purpose of the films was to hand the franchise over to a new generation of heroes, it was still obvious that Ford wasn't going to stick around for very long.

Han Solo's death in The Force Awakens is still a gut-punch; mainly down to the superb acting in a very character-driven moment, but everyone in the cinemas knew it was coming before they even got in their seats.

The excitement of seeing Chewie, Leia and Han on screen was obviously going to be short-lived (some more tragically than others), but maybe it's because Harrison Ford has been so tiresome about Star Wars for the last three decades, that his return was clearly going to be temporary.


I overthink a lot of things. Will talk about pretty much anything for a great length of time. I'm obsessed with General Slocum from the 2002 Spider-Man film. I have questions that were never answered in that entire trilogy!