12 Movies In 2018 That Were Unfairly Hated

7. Solo: A Star Wars Story

White Boy Rick Matthew Mcconaughey

Though this undeniably unnecessary Star Wars prequel actually fared relatively well with critics, if you believed a decent contingent of the Star Wars fanbase, it was a prequel-calibre sacrilege which retroactively made the character of Han Solo worse.

Is Solo a great movie? No. But is it a bad movie? Hell no. Considering its well-documented post-production woes, it's honestly impressive that the end product is this coherent, cohesive and even entertaining.

There is ham-fisted fan service, sure, and it never quite reaches that high-charm high-gear you might hope for, but as a rip-roaring space caper with a charming cast and some dizzying set-pieces - the conveyex train heist in particular - it delivers the basic goods with a sprinkling of Star Wars magic on top.

Far from all the pre-release doom and gloom, Solo was a rock solid popcorn flick, and while not the great film it could've been, still did justice enough to the beloved brand and characters.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.