12 Movies You Probably Hated The First Time Round (But Loved The Second)

10. Napoleon Dynamite

NapoleondynamiteThe First Time: "Yeah, the dance scene is pretty hilarious, but my friends ruined every good scene by quoting it to death in the bar." The Second Time: If you didn't like Napoleon Dynamite all that much upon your first viewing, I strongly suggest letting it simmer for a little while and going back to it. I initially saw the film amid all the hype of its release, and so I'd already heard lines like "Do the chickens have large talons?" be endlessly shouted in my direction both in person and on message boards, but going back to the film about five years later, when everyone had finally shut up about it, I was able to enjoy it more on its own terms. In essence, the fans ruined their own creation by vociferously shoving it down the throats of anyone who would listen, which is somewhat ironic given how quiet and subtle the film's acquired blend of humour mostly is.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.