12 Movies You Probably Hated The First Time Round (But Loved The Second)

7. Last Action Hero

The First Time: "Why was there so much comedy? Terminator 2 has jokes, but they were dark and only occasional. Here there's a crack about action movies every two minutes, and what was that goofy golden ticket thing? I thought I was watching a Jack Slater movie." The Second Time: Audiences simply weren't in the mood to watch a comedy starring Arnold Schwarzenegger after the plethora of awesome action flicks he'd released in the 80s and 90s, and so Last Action Hero became (and in many respects remains) one of the most misunderstood movies of all time. Fans wanted to see a mostly straight-faced Arnie kicking butt like usual, but instead they got an incisively and smart dissection of Hollywood action cinema (written by Shane Black of all people) which was in many respects almost too smart for its own audience. But as audiences mature and return to the film later on with a more developed mind and palette, they're likely to better-appreciate the film's outrageous satirical bent. If you don't at least crack a smile at Arnie's adaptation of Hamlet, then I suggest you see a doctor.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.