12 Movies Where The Hero Became A Villain

3. Captain America: The Winter Soldier

Avengers infinity war bucky barnes
Marvel Studios

The Hero

In The First Avenger, Bucky Barnes is presented as Steve Rogers' brother in arms and his best friend, who sticks by him despite their differences and has his back when he's being bullied. He loves Steve like a brother, which is why their relatonship is doomed from the outset.

He dies heroically helping Captain America storm a train ferrying Arnim Zola across Germany. Or so it seems...

But Then...

Actually, he didn't die. Barnes' broken body was instead picked up by HYDRA who subjected him to experiments and conditioning to turn him into their super soldier - The Winter Soldier - who was used as a precision weapon to take out key targets for the evil organisation.

There were fragments of him still in there, but they were buried under reprogramming and it's taken several movies to undo what HYDRA did to him. Quite how he'll live with the torture of the things he did in his past undr HYDRA's control remains to be seen, because for decades he was a genuine villain.


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