12 Movies Where The Hero Became A Villain

4. X2

Pyro X2

The Hero

Though he's introduced as a sort of archetypal jock douchebag in the first X-Men movie, Pyro is definitely still part of the heroic team at Xavier's school. Sure, he's not the most likeable figure who's ever been under Xavier's care, but he's basically still a good kid who steps in to retaliate when Wolverine is shot by police in the first X-Men sequel.

He's volatile, but he's not a villain. Yet.

But Then...

it turns out that Pyro is too easily seduced by the promise of power because of the victimisation of mutants he's witnessed - and probably also because he has something within in that makes him suited to the darker side of life. When Magneto witnesses his powers, he tells the boy hee is a "God among insects" and that seems to be the catalyst for Pyro to turn his back on Xavier's team.

In The Last Stand, Pyro stands at Magneto's right hand and it's clear from his actions - including murder - that he's crossed the line completely.


WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.