12 Movies Where The Hero Became A Villain

5. Star Wars Episode III: Revenge Of The Sith

Star Wars Revenge Of The Sith Anakin Palpatine

The Hero

Obviously, we all knew the end-point for Anakin Skywalker, but for the first two Star Wars prequels, he was just a young boy (and then young man) introduced to the way of the Jedi. He was impetuous and occasionally volatile, but he was still very much in tune with the Light Side.

But Then...

As the age-old story goes, Anakin fell in with the wrong crowd and was heavily influenced by the poisonous propaganda of Palpatine, who questioned the Jedi Order's intentions and that of the Senate and then annointed Anakin Darth Vader.

The bumbling decision of the Jedi Council to get Anakin to spy on Palpatine backfired and the knowledge of Padme's impending death gives him the push he needs to accept Palpatine as his master. By the end credits, he appears to be completely irredeemable.

(Shows what we know).


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