12 Movies Worth Watching Over & Over Again

5. National Treasure

It would be unfair of me to make a list like this and not include something that has been touched by the hands of Nicholas Cage. As all my history-loving friends know, this movie is by all accounts pretty ridiculous. A poor man's Da Vinci Code, if you will. But that does not matter, of course: National Treasure is just that...a national treasure. Feeling glum? Watch National Treasure! Want to watch an adventure movie? Watch National Treasure! Missed Nic Cage's last movie and can't wait til it comes out on DVD? Watch National Treasure! The movie, for those of you who have never experienced it, revolves around a man so in love with America, that he steals the Declaration of Independence to keep it safe. With Sean Bean, Justin Bartha, Jon Voight and a beautifully accented woman (I know, I know, it's Diane Kruger), plus a long line of riddles tied to US history, it's impossible to be bored during this movie. People like it so much, Saturday Night Live even had Andy Samberg do a Nicholas Cage impression (multiple times) that totally revolved around this movie.

Colleen is an aspiring scriptwriter with a knack for puns and trouble avoiding speeding tickets. She enjoys NBC and BBC, along with the rest of the alphabet. She spends her days working on The Morning After for Hulu.com.