12 Most Perfect Castings In Upcoming Comic Book Movies

5. Jared Leto As Joker

Heath Ledger's portrayal of the Joker was great. Granted, its greatness may have been overplayed since the actor's untimely death (that's just being honest, rather than wanting to be disrespectful), but he undoubtedly did a fantastic job. It was always going to take a special actor - and a very brave one - to take the role on again a mere six years after Ledger's iconic portrayal and that's what Suicide Squad has got. Jared Leto is a great actor and is crazy enough to pull this off. His 2013 performance as a transgender woman in Dallas Buyers Club earned him the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor and he has the talent to play the villain however he wants to do so. Joker is a malleable character who can be played as camp, goofy, twisted, murderous and everything in between and if Leto uses his vast acting chops to hybridise the portrayals that came before him, taking influence from the likes of Ledger, Jack Nicholson and Cesar Romero, this version could be just as iconic.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.