12 Perfect Stories Affleck's Solo Batman Movie Must Adapt

9. A Redone DarKnight

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DC Comics

Though it was initially going to be directed by Joel Schumacher after Batman & Robin, the abandoned script idea for DarKnight would still make a great movie, and crucially, it would fit with Affleck as an older, seasoned Batman.

The idea was to have Bruce Wayne retire after realising that his greatest weapon over his enemies - fear - was lost. At the same time, Dick Grayson would come into contact with Dr Jonathan Crane and Dr Kirk Langstrom at Gotham University. The first would experiment on students with his nerve toxin (something that shouldn't be revived), but the latter accidentally transformed himself into Man Bat and began terrorising Gotham. Naturally, the citizens assume it's Batman, relieved of his marbles, and Wayne is forced to come out of retirement to deal with the situation.

The plot would tick a lot of boxes, as well as giving us a great villain and an opportunity to make a Batman horror movie, which should be grasped with both hands. Obviously, you'd have to excise the retirement element, but the idea of Man-Bat giving Batman a bad name is an intriguing one.


WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.