12 Predictions For "Upcoming" Sequels Ever Being Made

4. Bridesmaids 2

Bridesmaids 2011

Bridesmaids is one of the most successful and beloved comedies of the last decade, a riotous R-rated romp which came close to grossing $300 million worldwide.

Naturally, it took Universal just a few months to start planning a follow-up, and considering how successful fast-tracked ensemble comedy sequels can be - just look at The Hangover - this should've been an easy money-spinner for the studio.

Current Status: Seven years later, the movie still hasn't materialised for several reasons, primarily that most of the cast has enjoyed a significant career boost off the back of the film, and as such been kept busy with their own separate projects.

Though director Paul Feig was initially receptive to the idea of Bridesmaids 2, his enthusiasm has cooled significantly in recent years, and just this past week he officially declared the project shelved, citing a lack of creative necessity to continue the story.

How Likely Is It?: Unless writer-star Kristen Wiig gets a random flash of inspiration totally out of nowhere, it's not happening. 2/10


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.