12 Predictions For "Upcoming" Sequels Ever Being Made

5. Bad Boys For Life

Some real bad boys, pictured yesterday
Columbia Pictures

Bad Boys II was critically panned and only modestly successful - thanks to its wildly bloated $130 million budget - but fans have been begging Columbia to get Will Smith and Martin Lawrence back for a sequel pretty much ever since.

Talks of a sequel first began in seriousness in 2008, and periodically ever since, we'll hear from either Michael Bay, Smith or Lawrence that the movie's still in the works.

After numerous false starts, it was recently confirmed that Belgian directors Adil El Arbi and Bilall Fallah will direct, with filming set to start in late 2018 for a January 17, 2020 release.

Current Status: This thing has been painfully on-off for years, with the release date being delayed four times over the last three years. Smith and Lawrence have remained interested, though just this past week, Smith took to Instagram to complain about the film's laboured development and Sony's inability to bring it all together.

How Likely Is It?: With Will Smith's questionable profitability outside of ensemble movies like Suicide Squad, Bay's non-involvement and the series' crass humour possibly feeling dated in our current era, this thing's already collecting dust for sure. 2/10


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.