12 Predictions For "Upcoming" Sequels Ever Being Made

2. Justice League 2

Justice League Poster
Warner Bros.

Justice League 2 was initially announced in late 2014, set to be the finale of a two-part Justice League saga, though Zack Snyder, who was hired to direct both films, later clarified that the two blockbusters would be separate, standalone stories.

Almost a year before Justice League hit cinemas, Warner Bros. decided to delay Justice League 2 to focus on a Batman solo movie, The Batman.

Current Status: Snyder was eventually removed from directing Justice League 2 following the first film's tepid critical and commercial reception, though the studio still has plans to get a sequel made...eventually. That's all we've got.

How Likely Is It?: Aside from Justice League's utter mediocrity and colossally disappointing box office performance possibly tainting the brand name altogether, there's the dubiousness of both Ben Affleck's tenure as Batman and Henry Cavill's time as Superman, the pending results of the upcoming Aquaman movie, and the fact that the DC Extended Universe is really starting to feel like a fatally doomed experiment.

Warner Bros. is far more likely to cut their losses - after literally losing around $100 million on Justice League - and instead focus on smaller solo movies like Wonder Woman and less-risky, lower-budget projects like Shazam!

Even if another team-up movie does indeed happen one day, it probably won't be called Justice League 2. Right now it's a radioactive property that's tightly locked away in the studio's dungeon. 3/10


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.