12 Predictions For "Upcoming" Sequels Ever Being Made

9. The Raid 3

The Raid
Sony Pictures Classics/Stage 6 Films

2014's The Raid 2 is one of the best action sequels of all time, and its energetic blend of ludicrous action and a more ambitious story left fans begging writer-director Gareth Evans to get to work on a threequel.

Before The Raid 2 had even premiered, Evans confirmed the existence of a third film, and that it would take place two hours before the end of The Raid 2.

Current Status: Though Evans initially hoped for the film to release in 2018 or 2019 following a brief break from martial arts movies, he's expressed decidedly less conviction in recent years, declaring it "on hold" and possibly never happening.

Evans moved back to the UK following production on The Raid 2, and he's commented that it felt like a "closing chapter" on the franchise.

How Likely Is It?: Evans offered a small glimmer of hope for fans, adding "never say never", but with the director focused squarely on closer-to-home productions - his new film, Apostle, was shot entirely in Wales - this one's pretty much dead and buried.

Sure, Evans could decide to randomly resurrect it in the future, but as an active, announced project, it's over. 3/10


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.