12 Predictions For "Upcoming" Sequels Ever Being Made

8. World War Z 2

World War Z Brad Pitt
Paramount Pictures

Though it suffered through a painful, troubled production, 2013's big-budget zombie film World War Z scored solid reviews and soared to an impressive $540 million worldwide.

It seemed obvious to anyone with a pulse that a sequel would be fast-tracked into production, albeit likely without the involvement of in-over-his-head director Marc Forster.

Various writers and directors have been attached to the project over the years, most recently David Fincher, who was tacitly "confirmed" to helm in the summer of 2017.

Current Status: Fincher's already-dubious enthusiasm has appeared to dwindle ever since the announcement, from his comment last year about waiting for a quality script to be delivered, to him choosing to focus on developing Mindhunter's second season instead of the movie.

How Likely Is It?: Sure, it's entirely possible Paramount could part ways with Fincher and just hire a competent hack filmmaker to get the job done, but if Fincher doesn't bail until sometime next year and shooting is likely pushed to late 2019 or even early 2020, it could end up being 2021 or later before the film is finally in cinemas.

History dictates that belated sequels to flash-in-the-pan hit movies don't tend to go well - Sin City: Dame to Kill For being the best case example - but Paramount may also be prepared to roll the dice given the first film's success. 5/10


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.